
Default textareas

<textarea class="input">Default textarea</textarea>
<textarea class="input full-width">Default textarea</textarea>

Autoexpanding textareas

Required plugin

This feature requires the plugin file js/developr.auto-resizing.js

To enable auto-resizing on a textarea, just add the class autoexpanding:

<textarea class="input full-width autoexpanding">...</textarea>

Since v1.5, a custom event is available to manually trigger a resize on the textarea:


WYSIWYG editor

Since v1.5, the template embed the powerful CKEditor:

Basic use:

<textarea id="ckeditor">...</textarea>

Simply pass the textarea ID to the main method:

CKEDITOR.replace( 'ckeditor', {
	height: 300

To learn more on how to use this plugin, go to http://docs.ckeditor.com/

The template was previously bundled with CLEditor, but this plugin was dropped because it is not compatible with jQuery 1.9 and this is unlikely to be fixed anytime soon. Anyway, if you still want to use it, simply load the jQuery Migrate Plugin along with it, it will bring back the required deprecated features required by CLEditor.