Events list

Required plugin

This feature requires the plugin file css/styles/agenda.css

The event lists style is a clean simple design to display a list of events

<ul class="events">

	<!-- Link markup -->
		<span class="event-date">8</span>
		<a href="#" class="event-description">
			<h4>Event title</h4>
			<p>Event description text</p>

	<!-- Span markup -->
		<span class="event-date orange">15</span>
		<span class="event-description">
			<h4>Another event</h4>
			<p>Other event description text, other event description text</p>

	<!-- No wrapper markup, with month -->
		<span class="event-date with-month">
			8 <span class="event-month">April</span>
		<h4>Next month event</h4>
		<p>Another description text</p>
